Monday, November 21, 2011

Hidden Dangers to Your Dog

Most everyone is aware how bad chocolate is for your dog, but there are a lot of other dangers to your dog hidden in your house. 
Grapes and raisins: In some dogs, grapes can cause kidney failure. Vets are really not sure what causes kidney failure in dogs, and it doesn't happen with every dog, but just a few grapes can cause serious damage. Why take the chance? 
Onions have been known to trigger what’s called hemolytic anemia in dogs. This is a condition where there are not enough red blood cells. Again, this doesn't occur in every dog, but its not something to be aware of. 
Artificial Sweeteners:  Xylitol in particular is quite dangerous.  It is found in sugarless gum and candy. In large amounts it xylitol can cause a drop in blood sugar, and lead to seizures.
House Plants: Certain houseplants have been known to cause problems with dogs. Here is a link to the ASPCA toxic and non-toxic plant list. While their list is not complete, it does contain the most common houseplants. 

Unfortunately, not all pet emergencies occur when the vet is open. Be sure to have the number of your local Emergency vet somewhere that is easy to find. You can also call the ASPCA poison control number: 1-888-426-443 if you are not sure if your pet has ingested something that is dangerous, or you can’t get to the vet. 

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